
from builtins import input import random print ("Welcome to Kamala Word Salad Generator") keepgoing = True while keepgoing: #set user parameters active = True while active: subject = input("What is your subject? ") print ("Subject = ",subject) if not len(subject) > 0: active = True else: active = False active = True while active: print ('Select size') print ("0 for minimum") print ("1 for small") print ("2 for medium") print ("3 for large") print ("4 for maximum\n") count = int(input("Enter size: ")) if count > 4 or count < 0: print ("You can't be serious") else: active = False print ("Size = ", count) #set messages saying_list = [ "first", "second", "Because in some people's mind, that means you're going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID \nto send it in to prove who you are. Well, there are a whole lot of people, especially people who live in rural communities, who don't - there's no Kinkos, there's no OfficeMax near them.", "And again, this is about the fact that your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth, \ncannot be suppressed and it must be heard, right? And one of the things we're fighting for in a democracy, right?", "I – at some point – you know – we are going to the border. We've been to the border", "This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage, I have seen him over and over again \nmake decisions based exactly on what he believes is right.", "We must together,", "Work together.", "To see where we are.", "Where we are headed,", "where we are going and our vision for where we should be.", "But also see it as a moment to, yes.", "Together, address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment.", "And I haven,t been to Europe", "And I mean — I don’t understand the point that you’re making.", "It is time for us to do what we have been doing", "And that time is every day.", "I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, \nbut we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled.", "No, that's right, And that's why I do believe that we are living, sadly, in real unsettled times.", "We've got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to take this seriously,", "The whole nation should understand and have a level of empathy to understand that this \ncould happen anywhere [to] any people in any community. And we should stand together and speak out about why it's got to stop.", "I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, \nbut we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled.", "I’ve been accused of using word salad. I like salad. Salad is healthy. Words are healthy. I like words.\n Putting two healthy things - salad and words - together makes word salad which is healthy when asked questions with words in them. So I put the words in a salad which makes a word salad, because a salad made of words is much healthier than just words without a salad.", "The whole nation should understand and have a level of empathy to understand that this could happen anywhere [to] any people in any community. And we should stand together and speak out about why it's got to stop.", "We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues \nthat has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic, So to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy.", "Let's take this one step at a time, understanding that right now on the issue of energy, \nour allies have stood firm and unified in a way that many of the pundits didn’t predict would happen, to ensure that we are unified in our approach to this issue.", "When we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community,", "Um, we have definitely extended the — and I, it's something that I think we need to keep doing, \nawareness about what we have to do on Pell grants, and I can follow up with you on specifically what we've been doing.", "It is painful to watch what is happening to innocent people in Ukraine who just want to live in their own country \nand have pride in themselves as Ukrainians, who want to be home speaking the language they know, going to the church that they know, raising their children in the community where their families have lived for generations, and by the millions now are having to flee with nothing but a backpack.", "Yes, the president did say in the State of the Union there is a price to pay for democracy. \nGot to stand with your friends. And as everybody knows even in your personal life, being loyal to those friendships, based on common principles and values, sometimes it’s difficult. Often, it ain’t easy. But that’s what the friendship is about based on shared values. So that’s what we’re doing.", "We don’t know how long inflation and high gas prices will last. We must stand by our friends \nand endure the Putin price hike.", ] sayings = len(saying_list) #pick some number of entries of saying_list. i=0 while i <= count: j = random.randint (0, sayings-1) print( 'Kamala says about ', subject, ' ', saying_list[j]) print (' ') i = i+1 print(' ') print(' ') if input("\n\nDo you want to keep going? \n\n") == "y": keepgoing = True else: keepgoing = False print ("Thanks for Visiting! bye\n\n")